How TO Eat TO Live

For about a year, I wanted to read a well-known book about nutrition. Every time I went to the book store I would take it, turn the pages, glance a bit and put it back on the shelf. The book was thicker than my usual reads and had a slightly scary title.

I took one more trip to the book store but this time with a close friend. I was going through my routine with the book. And then I told her about my struggling relationship with this book. As a good friend, she motivated me to read it.


I am glad I read it.


The book is called “ How Not to Die”. The book convincingly explained why we need to consume anti-oxidants to stay healthy and why we need to lose fat to stabilize blood sugar.

Oxidation occurring in our bodies right at this moment, we need to supply the body with anti-oxidants to keep it in check

I always make sure I implement one thing from every book I read.

Having read this book, I have made many positive changes in my eating habits and I will list them below:

  1. Not eating fruit is not an option anymore. I have at least one serving a day. I prefer not to cut my fruits unless they are star fruits. I love the stars.

Eating Stars Makes Me Happy

2. Even dark chocolate has cocoa butter which can raise cholesterol. So, I replaced my post meal snack of a piece of 99% dark chocolate with Amla candy. (Indian gooseberry) It’s rich in Vitamin C and also freshens my breath. Dark chocolate is a treat reserved for special days.

3. I have started adding seeds, saffron, nuts and berries to my smoothies and oatmeal. Seeds and nuts for healthy fat, berries for anti-oxidants and saffron to keep my brain calm.

4. Whatever I am eating whether it’s at home or outside, a serving of vegetables is part of it.

5. I have significantly reduced my dairy and egg consumption. They are influenced by animal hormones.

6. For two years I have reduced my chicken consumption by 95%. I am no longer tempted to eat it. The book also says that animal fat leads to extra cholesterol. So, I am sustaining this habit.

7. Often drinking hibiscus tea with my evening read because it’s full of anti-oxidants.

8. I keep a small bottle of water in my daily baggy at all times. I finally found the smallest bottle to easily carry around.

9. I am also keeping a small box with some healthy snacks in my bag like Amla candies, dried berries, roasted chickpeas or roasted peanuts to tackle unhealthy cravings.

10. I now keep no junk food at home. I use only the healthiest ingredients to make good food with healthy cooking methods. No deep frying.

We have good reason to eat a handful of berries every day

11. I now choose rice over refined flour bread to avoid trans fat.

12. Drinking water or herbal tea like mint or ginger when with friends. Avoiding any kind of sugary or calorie dense drinks. My friends are cool with this and they don’t mind.

13. I now try to choose foods with darker pigments. The darker they are the more healthy they are. So, I choose red onion over white, red carrots over the orange ones, red grapes over the green ones.

14. I season every meal with some fresh or dry herbs. When I eat out, I ask for extra herbs like coriander, basil, mint if it’s possible.

15. I make strict health rules and follow them at least 5 days a week. The other 2 days, I can have a little more freedom.

Now every time I eat, I remind myself that I have an opportunity to eat healthily and get some well-needed nutrients for my body.

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farheen fathima