Our Long Awaited Recipe Book is Finally Here!

From the very beginning of my culinary adventure, I held a dream close to my heart - to create a recipe book that would spread the love and joy of cooking. The spark truly ignited when I started organizing cooking team-building events and workshops. The teams were so enchanted by the recipes that they asked for a recipe book, and that's how our project was born!

The only challenge was not having an editor, but when I finally got the resources, I and my team wasted no time in starting the Recipe Book project. Little did we know, it would be a heartfelt six-month-long journey, filled with meticulous work, editing, and creative design. It's challenging to capture the essence of months of hard work in a blog post, but if you are interested in our journey or are thinking about starting your own recipe book, keep reading.


Step 1: Research

We wanted to understand our buyers deeply, and connect with their tastes and the current culinary trends. Our aim was to curate a guide that would be a friend to everyone when they just want something easy to cook and comforting. Having a clear vision allowed us to create something unique, setting our recipe book apart from others in the market.

Step 2: Recipe Development

Together with my team, we compiled a list of recipes that held a special place in my heart. These weren't just any recipes; they were a part of my Indian roots and personal growth. Indian cooking rarely uses measuring cups, but we wanted our recipes to be approachable for all, so we spent countless hours developing them with accurate measurements for a scrumptious result. We also made sure to test each of the recipes and have our friends and family test out the recipes as well. We took their feedback into careful consideration and made sure to make the right adjustments for a perfect taste.

Step 3: Writing

With the recipes in hand, we delved into writing them, on our way learning about the format and requirements of a recipe book. Each recipe was written with a clear title, followed by a list of ingredients, spices, equipment required for the recipe, and easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. As inclusivity is at the heart of all we do, we made sure to include tips and alternatives for those with different dietary restrictions and preferences, ensuring our cookbook was as inclusive as possible.

Step 4: Designing


The real challenge came with designing our book. We wanted the layout to be inviting and easy to navigate, making sure readers could find their favorite recipes without any struggle. High-quality food photography was essential to show off the delicious dishes we created. Hours were spent plating the food beautifully and capturing professional photographs to adorn our book. We also had to be mindful of the final printed product, even though we were designing it digitally.

One of the most heartfelt aspects we wanted to highlight was storytelling. We wanted our book to go beyond just recipes and touch the hearts of our readers. So, we infused it with personal stories related to ingredients and my culinary adventures. These stories brought depth and connection to the culinary experience, sharing the origins, history, and personal anecdotes of each ingredient. The recipe book became more than just a collection of recipes; it became a captivating narrative.

Step 5: Reviewing and Editing

I and my team reviewed the book multiple times, we also sought outside help from different editors ensuring it was clear, concise, and free from errors. When everything was finalized, we faced the decision of traditional publishing or self-publishing. We chose the latter, knowing it was the right path for us.

Step 5: Publishing

We decided to publish both an e-book and a hardbound book, making our recipes accessible to everyone. Developing an e-book had its challenges, but we embraced them with determination. Adapting the layout for various e-reader devices and optimizing it for different screens demanded attention to detail. But in the end, it was all worth it, as we created an engaging e-book.

Through this recipe book, I wanted to share a part of myself – a childlike fascination for cooking and the love I have for food. And I believe we succeeded in doing just that. The hard work, time, and effort my team and I put into this cookbook have truly paid off. It's been a journey filled with joy, challenges, and growth.

As we move forward, we know there will be more hurdles to face, but we feel equipped with the knowledge and resources to overcome them. With everything we've learned, we can't wait to bring you another book soon – another chapter in our culinary tale.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Happy cooking, and may these recipes fill your heart and home with warmth and love!

You can now buy our recipe book in the form of an e-book here!

farheen fathima