Spice Up Your Virtual Team-Building with Butter Masala

Embrace spring with your team by donning your colorful aprons, picking up your cooking utensils, and grooving to the lively rhythms of Bollywood music as you prepare a delicious Butter Masala with your colleagues.

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What Your Teams Get:

Spice Up Your Virtual Team-Building with Butter Masala
  • An authentic cultural experience

  • Hands-on cooking & food-styling experience with your team

  • Stories to share and memories to treasure

  • Different ways to enjoy your curry with your team

  • Bollywood Dancing, adding an exciting twist to team building

  • Step by Step Recipes with beginner-friendly instructions

  • Vegan & Allergen Friendly customizations

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Get Ready for the Best Virtual Team-Building Experience with Your Team!


Want more team-building fun? Explore our other virtual events!

From virtual scavenger hunts to icebreaker team-bonding games, we've got something for everyone.

Nistha and her team were absolutely amazing. Everything was perfectly orchestrated, the food was incredible and the team was super friendly! If you are looking for anyone to do an event for you, look no further because Nistha has you covered!
— Gavin, On